the difference
You will find your treatment very different to most clinics, due to its focus. Each treatment revolves around your bodies needs as they present on the day. Your body assessment dictates your treatment, all the while working on your key issues and moving towards clearing your pain and injury.
Treating the whole body is a key to successfully removing your pain. This includes looking at the mind body connection, trauma and stresses that may be exacerbating your problems.
The human body is a dynamic interconnected marvel and is truly greater than its individual parts. What appears to be your problem may indeed only be a symptom of a greater imbalance elsewhere in the body.
With proper assessment and whole body treatment you can achieve greater balance, better performance and less pain.
Remedial Massage is a whole body treatment utilising multiple massage technique to restore ease to the body and facilitate the bodies innate ability to heal itself.
Each treatment is tailored to you and designed specifically to address your pain, goals and requirements.
Remedial massage benefits the whole body by increasing circulation throughout the body, easing pressure on joints, blood vessels and nerves and helping alleviate postural issues stemming from work and recreational movement habits.
Remedial massage is perfect for active people to maximise performance, people suffering chronic and acute pain or injury and for those who stay on top of their health with preventative maintenance. -
Sports massage therapy is geared toward athletes of every kind, from world-class professionals to weekend joggers. The particulars of the sports massage technique are specific to the athlete's sport of choice. Focusing on areas of the body that are overused and stressed from repetitive and often aggressive movements.
Aspects of sports massage therapy are gaining popularity as useful components in a balanced training regimen. Sports massage therapy can be used as a means to enhance pre-event preparation and reduce recovery time for maximum performance during training or after an event. Athletes have discovered that specially designed sports massage promotes flexibility, reduces fatigue, improves endurance, helps prevent injuries and prepares their body and mind for optimal performance. -
Dry needling is a method whereby acupuncture needles are introduced into the skin and tissues below, with the term ‘dry needling’ coined to differentiate it from acupuncture.
Dry needling is a unique procedure intended to specifically target and restore muscle function, with an emphasis on improving tissue healing and restoring normal tissue function. This is important as continued activity with poor muscle function may lead to further tissue damage and increased pain. When combined with other treatment options, dry needling can be an influential method to accelerate pain reduction, healing and the restoration of normal tissue function. -
Cupping has been a traditional method of healing around the world for thousands of years.
The use of cups both fixed and sliding in my treatment provide amazing benefits to clients with chronically tight muscles, limited range of movement or congested areas of tissue with poor circulation.
The soft silicone cups used in with oil in a sliding fashion, work effectively on the fascia and superficial tissues and ease and prepare the body for deeper work when necessary -
GUA SHA is a traditional remedy utilising small tools to scrape and rub the skin.
It's purpose is to increase the circulation, remove blood & fluid stagnation, detox the tissues of toxins and ease aches and pains.
In areas of injury or stagnation the scraping process will bring blood (SHA) to the surface. In traditional medicine the colour of the SHA that arise's gives a good indication of the underlying condition. All healthy tissue will be left pink from the scraping . -
Manipulation of the peripheral nervous system is a fast and extremely effective method of restoring function and removing pain in the limbs.
Did you know all scars inhibit neurological and muscular function?
C scars are a huge factor in low back pain and dysfunction. Time and time again I have seen switched off Glutes, multifidi, abdominals and psoas creating pain and injury due to inhibition created by a C- section scars.
1-2 sessions with the dolphin neurostim is enough to reconnect and turned these muscles back on.
This is incorporated into your massage session.